Outreach & Missions
We believe that evangelism – sharing the Word of God with others – isn’t the exclusive job of pastors, missionaries, or evangelists. As part of the Great Commission, spoken of in Mark 16:15, Jesus tells each of us to “Go…into all the world, and preach the gospel to every creature.” Mikado offers the following opportunities for local evangelism.
Community Outreach
During the spring and summer months we hold a weekly outreach program that incorporates door to door evangelism and church visitor follow-up. During the fall and winter months, we hold this outreach once a month, usually on a Saturday morning.
Vacation Bible School
Held yearly in the summer time, our Vacation Bible School is a great opportunity to reach our community for Christ as we provide an extensive children’s program. Hundreds of volunteers participate in this exciting church-wide ministry.
Jail Ministry
Men and ladies from Mikado regularly participate in services held in a nearby prison. The goal is to plant the gospel and see inmates accept Jesus as their Savior.
Since the beginning of our church, a strong emphasis has been placed on world-wide missions. Mikado Baptist Church currently supports approximately one hundred missionaries and missions organizations throughout the world. In addition to providing regular monthly support to these missionaries, Mikado Baptist regularly provides additional funds for special missionary projects and efforts of our supported missionaries.
Mission Teams
Our short term mission teams provide individuals an opportunity to survey a mission field, while ministering with veteran missionaries. Teams have been assembled for teens, young adults, and adults.
Elevate Mission Team
Our Elevate mission team is made up of teens who want to grow and serve the Lord. Please reach out to our Youth Pastor for more information.
Declare Mission Team
The Declare Mission Team is a group of men sent from Mikado to help with construction style projects in various locations at different times of the year. Contact the church office if you desire to be a part of this team.
Adult Mission Team
This team is made up of a group of adults from Mikado who desire to assist our missionaries. Contact the church office if you desire to be a part of this team.
Missionaries we Support
Our church provides long term financial support to missionaries serving all throughout the globe. Currently, we support approximately one hundred missionaries and/or missions organizations in the United States and throughout the world. We regularly receive updates of news from each of these individuals and/or organizations, and we often receive visits from various missionaries that we support.
Missions Conferences
Each year Mikado has a missions conference that features a keynote speaker and various missionaries who are either involved in raising support so they can go to the field or returning on furlough from their country of service. This is a wonderful time for our church to raise its awareness of the ministries and needs of the missionaries.
Missionaries Sent from Mikado
- Ronnie & Chona Autrey
Dominican Republic, North America - David & Kim Huffman
Kennesaw, GA